Lecture 1. Class Logistics, Overview of iOS, MVC, Objective-C

Model = What your application is (but not how it is displayed)

Controller = How your Model is presented to the user (UI logic)

View = Your Controllers minions

Controllers can always talk directly to their Model.

Lecture 2. Xcode 5

Lecture 3. Objective-C

Lecture 4. Foundation and Attributed Strings

Lecture 5. View Controller Lifecycle

Lecture 6. Polymorphism with Controllers, UINavigation, UITabBar

Lecture 7. Views and Gestures

Lecture 8. Protocols, Blocks, and Animation

Lecture 9. Animation and Autolayout

Lecture 10. Multithreading, Scroll View

Lecture 11. Table View and iPad

Lecture 12. Documents and Core Data

Lecture 13. Core Data and Table View

Lecture 14. UIApplication, Network Activity Indicator, and Maps

Lecture 15. MapKit and Embed Segue

Lecture 16. Modal Segues, Text Fields, Alerts, and Action Sheets

Lecture 17. Camera, Core Motion, Application Lifecycle

Lecture 18. Localization, Adding UI to Settings